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18653 Ventura Blvd. #220 Tarzana, CA 91356

Connected Business is a privately held company

With offices in Makati City, Philippines and Los Angeles California.


The idea for Connected Business came from Gary Harrison who had previously owned (and sold) a manufacturing company, a distribution company, and an eCommerce cart company. What Gary found was that using separate solutions for CRM, ERP and eCommerce was never going to be as efficient as using a fully integrated one. Armed with the vision of creating an all-in-one business solution that any company can afford (and a bunch of cash from selling his Beverly Hills, CA home), Gary founded Connected Business together with Ramil Domingo in 2004.

Today, Connected Business has hundreds of customers in over a dozen countries around the globe. The original vision of an all-in-one ERP / CRM / eCommerce solution has grown and now includes Point of Sale, Kiosks, Warehousing, Shipping, Business Intelligence and more.